Welcome to Blossom Hill Homeowners Association website! Blossom Hill community is located in Lewistown, PA conviently located right off of 322 and nearby to State College and Harrisburg.

The Association handles common area ground maintenance, common area snow removal, trash service, common area streetlights, mailboxes for all homes. The Association provided limited common service to townhomes and duplexes which include mowing and trimming, lawn treatments, snow removal of sidewalks, and exterior maintenance. 


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April 3, 2020

As many of you may have expected, the tentatively scheduled 2020 Annual Meeting for the Blossom Hill HOA in late April has been postponed due to the current CDC and Pennsylvania Government recommendations regarding gatherings during these unprecedented times. Our office and your Executive Board are looking towards having the meeting in June but will confirm at a later date once more information is available regarding gatherings at that time. The Executive Board election for (2) two positions will also occur at that meeting so please consider if you would be willing to join the Board of three members to guide the Association!

Below are your governing documents for Blossom Hill Homeowners Association available to view or download PDF version. If you are looking for a document not listed below, please contact Paradigm Properties Gourp Offices at 814-308-9602; ext. 1.

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